PubMed: 22419736

Neuropathogenic role of adenylate kinase-1 in Aβ-mediated tau phosphorylation via AMPK and GSK3β.
Human molecular genetics
Jung YK | Park H | Koh JY | Gwon Y | Kim C | Kim Y | Kam TI | Choi H

Evidence 02b7e9908b

Neuronal expression of AK1 is upregulated in AD patients and is induced by Ab42

Evidence 8dcccd26e5

Therefore, we examined whether oligomeric forms of Ab42 could regulate AK1 expression in neuronal cells.

Evidence 0e438322ed

From western blot analysis, we found that AK1 expression increased 􏰍2-fold in the cortical neurons after exposure to Ab42

Evidence f8c61bc12a

As shown in Figure 5A and B, treatment of control cells with Ab42 reduced the levels of AMPK phosphorylation at Thr172 and the inhibitory phosphorylation of GSK3b at Ser9. On the contrary, these alterations triggered by Ab42 were not observed in SH-SY5Y/AK1 knockdown cells, showing no changes in the levels of the phosphorylated AMPK and GSK3b. These results suggest that AK1 plays a crucial role in the regulation of AMPK and GSK3b in the neuronal cells exposed to Ab42.

Evidence 91160c5e77

A number of studies have found that Ab species, including oligomeric Ab42, are important factors responsible for tau pathogenesis

Evidence 48b133bfe1

Interestingly, tau phosphor- ylation, which was detected by PHF-1 (Ser 396/404), CP13 (Ser 202) and 12E8 (Ser 262) antibodies, was also increased by Ab42

Evidence 412b0be2bc

Among AK isoforms, AK2 was not detected in the primary neurons and HT22 cells, whereas AK3 expression was observed in the neurons but not regulated by Ab42

Evidence 269086b06e

When analyzed by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, the level of AK1 mRNA, not AK1b mRNA, increased by Ab42 in primary neurons

Evidence 593f52ec76

Compared with control neurons, the effects of Ab42 on tau phosphorylation at CP13, PHF-1 and AT180 epitopes were significantly ameliorated in AK1 knockdown cortical neurons

Evidence 0fcda6699d

Interestingly, treatment with Ab42 decreased the phosphorylation of AMPK at Thr172, whereas the total amount of AMPK was not altered in primary cortical neurons

Evidence 32ea6f93e6

We found, in addition, that enzyme activity of AMPK was sup- pressed in the cortical neurons after exposure to Ab42

Evidence 9c858f8daf

These results indicate that AMPK activity is impaired by Ab42 in the neuronal cells in which tau phosphor- ylation increased.

Evidence d1723b2f2f

Consistently, the phosphorylation of acetyl Co-A carboxylase, a well-defined downstream substrate of AMPK, was also reduced by Ab42

Evidence 4e1da25da3

Soluble oligomers of Ab42 serve as the prominent synapto- toxic form and induce tau hyperphosphorylation

Evidence adf1f38bd4

Conversely, treatment with AICAR (5-aminoimidazole-4- carboxamide ribonucleoside), an AMPK activator (34), increased the inhibitory phosphorylation of GSK3b and reduced tau phosphorylation at Ser396/404 in SH-SY5Y cells and cortical neurons

Evidence 4edc603856

AK1 expression also increased in neuronal cells which were exposed to oxidative stress but not to other toxic insults, such as proteostasis stressors

Evidence b62d1a5ac1

AK1 overexpression markedly decreased AMPK phosphorylation at Thr172 in the primary neurons, whereas AK1 R132A mutant failed to do so

Evidence 22b075d572

The treatment of cortical neurons with compound C, a selective AMPK inhibitor (33), reduced the inhibitory phosphorylation of GSK3b at Ser9 and markedly increased tau phosphorylation at Ser396/404

Evidence 47eb16895d

These observations indicate that AMPK negatively regulates GSK3b activity and tau phosphorylation

Evidence 85b3bab6a1

the AK1 level was higher in the hippocampus of 9-, 12- and 15-month-old Tg2576 mice expressing Swedish mutant of amyloid precursor protein (hAPP)

Evidence a850978928

AK1 also increased in the hippocampus of APP-J20, an AD model mouse expressing familial AD-mutant APP (Supple- mentary Material, Fig. S1A and B).

Evidence 4f831ea5d0

Ectopic expression of AK1 in mouse cortical neurons increased immunoreactivity against phosphorylated tau at Ser396/404 (PHF-1), Ser202 (CP13) and Ser231/Thr235 (AT180)

Evidence 6824373bd4

The data suggest that the increased expres- sion of AK1 can enhance tau aggregation as well as tau phos- phorylation.

Evidence e53d4df86d

In addition, we found that transient expression of AK1 (but not AK1 R132A mutant) markedly reduced the inhibitory phosphorylation of GSK3b at Ser9 (Fig. 4D and Supplemen- tary Material, S6A), indicating that AK1 may regulate GSK3b activity.

Evidence f1a6732c69

Co-expression of an AK1 transgene with tau in flies (gl-tau2.1/UAS-AK1) markedly enhanced tau-induced retinal degeneration,indicating that AK1 enhances tau toxicity in the fly retina.

Evidence 300f6d0349

These results indicate that AK1 exacerbates rough eye phenotype and tau hyperpho- sphorylation in a tauopathy model organism and that there is a close correlation between the exacerbated rough eye pheno- type and tau phosphorylation.

Evidence ad61a5d997

With the immunohisto- chemical analysis, we found that the expression levels of AK1 markedly elevated in the NeuN-positive hippocampal neurons of AD patients

Evidence 364567a1b6

Interestingly, the phosphorylated form of tau at Ser 396/404 (PHF-1) was detected exclusively in AD patients, although total amounts of tau protein (TG5) were not changed

Evidence f62b738cba

Moreover, the phosphorylation of AMPK at Thr172 tended to be reduced in AD patients, although statis- tical significance was marginal


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