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a(HBP:"alpha-Bungarotoxin") decreases act(p(HGNCGENEFAMILY:"Cholinergic receptors nicotinic subunits")) View Subject | View Object

The second was the discovery of alpha-bungarotoxin (alpha-BGT), a component of krait snake venom that binds muscle-type nAChRs with near covalent affinity to inhibit their function and promote debilitating paralysis at the neuromuscular junction (6, 50, 149, 264). PubMed:19126755

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a(HBP:"alpha-Bungarotoxin") increases complex(a(HBP:"alpha-Bungarotoxin"), p(HGNCGENEFAMILY:"Cholinergic receptors nicotinic subunits")) View Subject | View Object

The most valuable of these toxins to researchers proved to be alpha-BGT from the snake Bungarus multicinctus. Because this toxin binds to the muscle nAChR with great specificity and a near-covalent affinity, it was an invaluable tool in the purification of the first nAChRs (discussed above). PubMed:19126755

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a(HBP:"alpha-Bungarotoxin") decreases a(CHEBI:dopamine, loc(GO:"extracellular region")) View Subject | View Object

Activation of alpha7 nAChRs is known to contribute to the regulation of extracellular dopamine levels in the rat striatum (81). Application via microdialysis of KYNA or alpha-BGT to the rat striatum significantly reduces the extracellular levels of dopamine, and the magnitude of the effect of either antagonist alone is comparable to that of both antagonists together (285). PubMed:19126755

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a(HBP:"alpha-Bungarotoxin") increases act(a(MESH:"alpha7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor")) View Subject | View Object

First, postmortem studies of the hippocampus and thalamus show diminished labeling of putative inhibitory neurons by alpha-bungarotoxin, an antagonist of alpha7 nAChRs (Court et al., 1999) PubMed:21482353


BEL Commons is developed and maintained in an academic capacity by Charles Tapley Hoyt and Daniel Domingo-Fernández at the Fraunhofer SCAI Department of Bioinformatics with support from the IMI project, AETIONOMY. It is built on top of PyBEL, an open source project. Please feel free to contact us here to give us feedback or report any issues. Also, see our Publishing Notes and Data Protection information.

If you find BEL Commons useful in your work, please consider citing: Hoyt, C. T., Domingo-Fernández, D., & Hofmann-Apitius, M. (2018). BEL Commons: an environment for exploration and analysis of networks encoded in Biological Expression Language. Database, 2018(3), 1–11.