PubMed: 27260836

Level of PICALM, a key component of clathrin-mediated endocytosis, is correlated with levels of phosphotau and autophagy-related proteins and is associated with tau inclusions in AD, PSP and Pick disease.
Neurobiology of disease
Ando K | Authelet M | Belkouch M | Brion JP | Duyckaerts C | Ndjim M | Potier MC | Sazdovitch V | Suain V | Tomimura K | Vergara C | Yilmaz Z

Evidence 0c8f0d46ce

Phosphatidylinositol binding clathrin assembly protein, PICALM (aka CALM) assembles adaptor protein-2 (AP-2) to clathrin, thus participating in clathrin-mediated endocytosis. We have previously reported that the level of full-length PICALM is decreased in AD brains; PICALM was co-localised with phosphorylated tau in NFTs and in granulovacuolar degenerations (GVDs) in the brains of AD patients and of individuals with Down syndrome but was not observed in amyloid plaques (Ando et al., 2013).

Evidence 4f2699edfb

Double immunostaining for PICALM and anti-phosphotau antibodies (AT8 and PHF1) showed a co-localisation of PICALM and phosphotau in Pick bodies of Pick disease

Evidence d386e59125

A highly significant correlation was found between decreased levels of PICALM and increased levels of LC3-II (p=0.0032) or decreased levels of Beclin-1 (p=0.0295) in the total brain lysates from these diseases (Fig 6D,E).

Evidence 04b0d8fecc

In PSP cases, both coiled bodies (Fig. 2 D-F) and NFTs (Fig. 2G-I) in the striatum showed a complete co-localisation of PICALM and phosphotau immunoreactivies.


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