PubMed: 26837465

Estrogen receptor-α is localized to neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimer's disease.
Scientific reports
Jiang S | Perry G | Shen L | Siedlak SL | Tang B | Wang C | Wang X | Zhang F | Zhu X

Evidence 6f1fc78699

In the hippocampal and cortical tissues of all AD cases examined, neuronal staining for ERα was a prominent finding, both with a weak cytoplasmic stain, but often specifically with a fibrillar appearance suggesting ERα was in neurofibrillary tangles (Fig. 1A), also shown at a higher magnification (Fig. 1B).

Evidence d2ea2e29f3

To confirm the localization of ERα in NFTs, double fluorescence staining with antibodies to ERα and hyperphosphorylated tau (PHF-1) revealed that ERα -positive NFTs were also positive for PHF-1 (Fig. 2A–F).

Evidence 3fbaf7af37

Tau overexpression inhibits transcriptional activity of ERα.

Evidence c5609d0931

Moreover, more ERα was found in the tau-5 immunoprecipitates from AD brain than control brain (p < 0.05) (Fig. 5B,C), demonstrating increased interaction between tau and ERα in the AD brain which is likely the mechanism that underlies increased sequestration of ERα by the PHFs in NFTs.


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