Summary of Posiphen as a candidate drug to lower CSF amyloid precursor protein, amyloid-b peptide and s levels: target engagement, tolerability and pharmacokinetics in humans v0.1.0

Number of Nodes
Number of Edges
Number of Citations
Number of Authors
Network Density
Number of Components
Number of Warnings

Full Summary Stratified by MeSHDisease

This is a summary of the sub-graphs. It includes information that fits the schema of BEL, but is less useful for reasoning. See below for a "target" summary with pre-processing done to each sub-graph.

MeSHDisease Nodes Edges Components Citations Density Errors Error Density Node Percentage Edge Percentage Citation Percentage

Targeted Summary Stratified by MeSHDisease

Graphs have been sliced to be more useful. The pathologies and associative relationships are removed, proteins and RNAs are collapsed to genes, and isolated nodes are removed.

MeSHDisease Nodes Edges Components Citations Density Node Percentage Edge Percentage Citation Percentage