
Collapse All Variants

Collapse all genes', RNAs', miRNAs', and proteins' variants to their parents.

Collapse Consistent Edges

Collapse consistent edges together.

Collapse Entrez Equivalencies

Collapse all equivalence edges away from Entrez. Assumes well formed, 2-way equivalencies.

Collapse Entrez To Hgnc

Collapse Entrez equivalences to HGNC.

Collapse Flybase To Hgnc

Collapse FlyBase orthologies to HGNC.

Collapse Gene Variants

Collapse all gene's variants' edges to their parents, in-place.

Collapse Mgi To Hgnc

Collapse MGI orthologies to HGNC.

Collapse Protein Variants

Collapse all protein's variants' edges to their parents, in-place.

Collapse Rgd To Hgnc

Collapse RGD orthologies to HGNC.

Collapse To Genes

Collapse all protein, RNA, and miRNA nodes to their corresponding gene nodes.

Collapse To Protein Interactions

Collapse to a graph made of only causal gene/protein edges.

Enrich Complexes

Add all of the members of the complex abundances to the graph.

Enrich Composites

Adds all of the members of the composite abundances to the graph.

Enrich Internal Unqualified Edges

Add the missing unqualified edges between entities in the subgraph that are contained within the full graph.

Enrich Protein And Rna Origins

Add the corresponding RNA for each protein then the corresponding gene for each RNA/miRNA.

Enrich Proteins With Rnas

Add the corresponding RNA node for each protein node and connect them with a translation edge.

Enrich Reactions

Adds all of the reactants and products of reactions to the graph.

Enrich Rnas With Genes

Add the corresponding gene node for each RNA/miRNA node and connect them with a transcription edge.

Enrich Unqualified

Enrich the sub-graph with the unqualified edges from the graph.

Enrich Variants

Add the reference nodes for all variants of the given function.

Expand Downstream Causal

Add the downstream causal relations to the given sub-graph.

Expand Internal Causal

Add causal edges between entities in the sub-graph.

Expand Upstream Causal

Add the upstream causal relations to the given sub-graph.

Get Causal Subgraph

Build a new sub-graph induced over the causal edges.

Get Largest Component

Get the giant component of a graph.

Highlight Subgraph

Highlight all nodes/edges in the universe that in the given graph.

Infer Missing Two Way Edges

Add edges to the graph when a two way edge exists, and the opposite direction doesn't exist.

Prune Protein Origins

Delete RNA nodes that are only connected to one node - their correspond protein - by a translation edge.

Prune Protein Rna Origins

Delete genes that are only connected to one node, their correspond RNA, by a translation edge.

Prune Rna Origins

Delete gene nodes that are only connected to one node, their correspond RNA, by a transcription edge.

Remove Associations

Remove all associative relationships from the graph.

Remove Biological Processes

Remove biological process nodes from the graph.

Remove Citation Metadata

Remove the metadata associated with a citation.

Remove Inconsistent Edges

Remove all edges between node pairs with inconsistent edges.

Remove Isolated List Abundances

Remove isolated list abundances from the graph.

Remove Isolated Nodes

Remove isolated nodes from the network, in place.

Remove Isolated Nodes Op

Build a new graph excluding the isolated nodes.

Remove Mouse Nodes

Remove nodes using the MGI and MGIID namespaces.

Remove Pathologies

Remove pathology nodes from the graph.

Remove Rat Nodes

Remove nodes using the RGD and RGDID namespaces.

Rewire Variants To Genes

Find all protein variants that are pointing to a gene and not a protein and fixes them by changing their function to be :data:`pybel.constants.GENE`, in place

Strip Annotations

Strip all the annotations from a BEL graph.

Update Context

Updates the context of a subgraph from the universe of all knowledge.


BEL Commons is developed and maintained in an academic capacity by Charles Tapley Hoyt and Daniel Domingo-Fernández at the Fraunhofer SCAI Department of Bioinformatics with support from the IMI project, AETIONOMY. It is built on top of PyBEL, an open source project. Please feel free to contact us here to give us feedback or report any issues. Also, see our Publishing Notes and Data Protection information.

If you find BEL Commons useful in your work, please consider citing: Hoyt, C. T., Domingo-Fernández, D., & Hofmann-Apitius, M. (2018). BEL Commons: an environment for exploration and analysis of networks encoded in Biological Expression Language. Database, 2018(3), 1–11.